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Dhirendranath Singh

Dhirendranath Singh

Graduate Student, UGAS, Iwate University

Speaking Sessions

October 28, 202004:00pm - 05:00pm

Farming Solutions

Enterprise Process Automation


Dhirendranath Singh is a Graduate Student at the United Graduate School of Agriculture, Iwate University in Japan working developing a growth information system for rice cultivation using remote sensing and Artificial Intelligence. Prior to this he has worked in Guyana’s rice industry for over 10 years with the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) serving in different capacities.  His last role which he held for the last 6 years before commencing this doctoral program was Head of the Postharvest Research Department where he led research on the processing capacity, parboiling practices, and value added opportunities for Guyana’ rice. He also managed a seed processing facility and a certified seed program with contract growers that resulted in more high quality seed being available to farmers. Dhirendranath completed his M.Sc. at the Yamagata University in Japan with research focused on investigating the influence on temperature on Near Infrared measurements (NIRS) of rice constituents.  Before this, he worked as Head of the GRDB Regional office overseeing the functions of the Extension and Quality Control services.